Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract for the Welsh Hospitals Dental Specialties meeting.

DEADLINE 17:00 31 March 2025

All abstracts are timestamped on submission. Any abstract with a timestamp after this time will not be accepted. Your confirmation pdf will confirm the time of submission.

Terms of Submission

Please ensure you understand the eligibility criteria and selection process outlined below before submitting your abstract.

1. Abstracts for posters and/or oral presentations will be accepted from POSTGRADUATES in the dental specialties who are working in Hospitals and the Community Dental Service in Wales or who are presenting work originating in the same. Undergraduates are not eligible to present at this meeting.

2. Only ONE PRESENTER is accepted per abstract and this must be indicated on the abstract submission form. Permission to present the originating organisations data must be sought from a SPONSORING CONSULTANT / SDO and their name and contact details submitted with the abstract. Concerns arising regarding probity or professionalism will be directed to the sponsor.

3. Successful abstracts will be published in the abstract book that is produced for the meeting. Any abstract that is not subsequently presented will be listed with the presenter name in the final abstract book and on the website as "Withdrawn".

4. By submitting your abstract you agree to the Privacy Policy published on this website and give your permission for your data to be securely stored by the organisation. You may withdraw this agreement at any time but without it we cannot consider your abstract.

5. You agree to the details that you submit on the abstract form being published in the abstract book.

6. You grant us all rights to publish your abstract in other formats both online and in print.

7. By submitting an abstract you confirm that the work your presenting is your own and that of your co-authors and that, at the time of submission, it is ready to be presented in the format you requested.

8. You warrant that Abstracts submitted are original and have not already been presented or published elsewhere and that they have not been previously submitted to this meeting.

9. You must not mention the name of the originating hospital or trust in the title or abstract field. This is to facilitate blind rating.

Publication of Abstracts

10. The abstract you submit for this meeting may be published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license such that it will be freely available on the internet.

11. You warrant that you have been authorised by the authors of the Abstract and agree to the Abstracts being made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license and to data included in the Abstracts being made available, unless otherwise stated under the Creative Commons 1.0 Public Domain Dedication waiver.

Patient Consent

12. If the abstract contains details relating to individual patients (for example a case report), written informed consent for the publication of these details must be obtained from the patient and a statement to this effect should appear at the end of the abstract.  "Written informed consent for publication of their clinical details and/or clinical images was obtained from the patient/parent/guardian. A copy of the consent form is available for review by the the meeting organisers or the Editor of this journal." 

13. The consent must be for publication of their details under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (such that they will be freely available on the internet). THE CONSENT STATEMENT MUST BE INCLUDED.

Free Paper and Poster Selection

Selection of abstracts for the scientific meeting is a labour-intensive process and the committee are very grateful to the consultants from the organising trust for their time and effort in reading and grading over one hundred abstracts. The use of the www.welsh-hospitals.org.uk website streamlines the workflow meaning we have been able to push the deadline for submissions back as far as possible. Occasionally people report problems with using the website and where an issue has been identified it has been rectified promptly. Submitting abstracts via any other method carries a risk of errors and omissions and when there are so many abstracts increases the workload for the assessors. We have therefore made a decision that we will only accept abstracts submitted on time through the website.

The assessment process is as follows:

Stage 1.

All abstracts are rated blind by the session chairperson(s). The authors and originating hospital are hidden at this stage. Rating is done on the online platform and provisional decisions are recorded against each abstract.

Stage 2.

Once blind rating has been completed the author and the originating unit are revealed and the system highlights any author who would have been offered more than one oral presentation or more than one poster.

The decisions are then amended by the session chairperson so that any one author will be offered only one oral presentation and one poster.

The first stage is in place to try and ensure that offers are made on merit (in the judgement of the session char). The second to maximise the opportunities for the largest number of trainees.

The selection process takes no account of the stage of training of the individual submitting the abstract. The rating of abstracts is down to the individual running that part of the meeting.

We hope that everyone involved can be confident that the process is as fair as we can make it even if the outcome is sometimes disappointing.

There were over 100 abstracts submitted last year and the organising team have only three weeks from the closing date to get the decisions back to the delegates. We are very grateful for their efforts.